Photo Gallery
Pictures of some, all, or none of the things you wanted to see.

MMK on the decks Magic Matt Kelly gets ready to drop some wax at First Aid, 7/12/2002. (South Bend, IN)
(Thanks and photo credits to Melissa Jaronik for First Aid digital images)

MMK on the decks Magic Matt Kelly mixes it up on stage at First Aid.
MMK on the decks Hey mister, what'cha listening to?
MMK on the decks Matt gives the vinyl some attention.
MMK on the decks Another transition gets ready to be made...
MMK on the decks Matt exhibits some scratching skills on the decks.
MMK on the decks Live on the decks at First Aid, 7/12/2002.

99.1 Studio B Magic Matt Kelly mixing it up live on the air on 99.1 during the All-Request Party on Thursday night (WSMK Studios)
99.1 Studio B Matt rips up some vinyl, scratching live in Studio B (WSMK Studios)